Scientific publications


Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth and Paul Michael Sniderman (2022). The Struggle for Inclusion: Muslim Minorities and the Democratic Ethos. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth (2006). Immigration Policies and Party Organization: Explaining the Rise of the Populist Right in Western Europe. D. Phil. Dissertation, Nuffield College, the University of Oxford. 

Journal articles

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth, Marc Helbling, Paul Sniderman and Richard Traunmüller (2024). "Value Conflicts Revisited: Muslims, Gender Equality, and Gestures of Respect". British Journal of Political Science,

Bjånesøy, Lise, Elisabeth Ivarsflaten and Lars Erik Berntzen (2023). Public political tolerance of the far right in contemporary Western Europe. West European Politics, 46, no 7.

Sandberg, Linn, Stefan Dahlberg and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (2023). The online hostility hypothesis: representations of Muslims in online media. Social Influence, 18, no.1.

Bye, Hege Høivik. Susanne Bygnes and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (2021). "The Local-National Gap in Intergroup Attitudes and Far-Right Underperformance in Local Elections"Frontiers in Political Science3.

Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes, and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (2021). "The scope of exclusionary public response to the European refugee crisis". European Journal of Political Research61(2), 420–439.

Fimreite, Anne Lise and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (2020). "Den store demokratidebatten" - da og nå. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 01(61):30-37.

Blinder, Scott, Robert Ford and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (2019). “Discrimination, Antiprejudice Norms, and Public Support for Multicultural Policies in Europe: The Case of Religious Schools”. Comparative Political Studies, 52(8): 1232-1255.

Kysela, Eva, Endre Tvinnereim and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (2019). "Attitudes to public spending on environmental risk reduction: the role of temporal and spatial distance". Environmental Sociology.

Harteveld, Eelco and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (2018). “Why women avoid the radical right: Internalized norms and party reputations”. British Journal of Political Science, 48(2): 369-384.

Tvinnereim, Endre and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (2016). “Fossil Fuels, Employment, and Support for Climate Policies”. Energy Policy, 96:364-471.

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth and Kristin Strømsnes (2013). “Inequality, diversity and social trust in Norwegian communities”. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 23(3): 332-342.

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth, Scott Blinder, and Robert Ford (2013). “The better angels of our nature: How the antiprejudice norm affects policy and party preferences in Great Britain and Germany”. American Journal of Political Science 57(4):841-857.

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth, Scott Blinder and Robert Ford (2010). “The Anti-Racism Norm in Western European Immigration Politics: Why we Need to Consider it and How to Measure it”. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 20(4):421-445.

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth (2008). “What unites right-wing populists in Western Europe? Re-examining grievance mobilization models in seven successful cases”. Comparative Political Studies 41(1):3-23.

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth (2005). “Threatened by diversity: Why restrictive asylum and immigration policies appeal to western Europeans”. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 15(1):21-45.

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth (2005). “The vulnerable populist right parties: No economic realignment fuelling their electoral success”. European Journal of Political Research 44(3):465-492.

Book Chapters

Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (2020). "Velgernes tilknytning til partiene i et 60-årsperspektiv". In Valg og politikk siden 1945. Velgere, institusjoner og kritiske hendelser i norsk politisk historie, Johannes Bergh, Atle Haugsgjerd and Rune Karlsen (Eds.). Cappelen Damm Akademisk

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth, Lise Lund Bjånesøy and Scott Blinder (2019). “How and Why the Populist Radical Right Persuades Citizens”. In Oxford Handbook on Political Persuasion, Liz Suhay and Alexander Trechsel (Eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Jenssen, Anders Todal and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (2019). “Innvandringsvalget 2017”. In Velgere og valgkamp. En studie av stortingsvalget 2017. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Bjånesøy, Lise Lund and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (2019). "What kind of challenge? Right-Wing Populism in Contemporary Western Europe”. In Democratic Transformations in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities. Routledge.

Jupskås, Anders Ravik, Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, Bente Kalsnes and Toril Aalberg (2017). “Norway: Populism from Anti-Tax Movement to Government Party”. In Populist Political Communication in Europe. Routledge.

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth, and Frøy Gudbrandsen (2012). “The Populist Radical Right in Western Europe”. In Europa Regional Surveys of the World, (17th ed.). Juliet Love (Ed.), London: Routledge. First appearance in 14th ed. (2011).

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth, and Rune Stubager (2012). “Voting for the populist radical right in Western Europe: The role of education”. In Class Politics and the Radical Right, Jens Rydgren (Ed.), London: Routledge.

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth and Kristin Strømsnes (2011). “Etnisk mangfold, økonomisk ulikhet og social capital”. In Sosial kapital i Norge, Dag Wollebæk and Signe Seegard (Eds.). Cappelen Damm AS

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth (2008). “Populists in Power: Attitudes towards immigrants after the Austrian Freedom Party entered government”. In New Parties in Government, London: Routledge, pp. 175-192.

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth (2007). “Party pasts, immigration policies and voter mobilization in the 2002 Swedish election campaign”. In Globalization and Democratization: Challenges for political parties, Siri Gloppen and Lise Rakner (Eds.). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget , pp. 175-192.

Other academic writings:

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth and Paul M. Sniderman (2017). “The Challenge of Muslim Inclusion: A Study in Thresholds”. DIGSSCORE Working paper 2017:7.

Berntzen, Lars Erik, Lise Bjånesøy, and Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (2017). “Patterns of Legitimacy on the Far Right”. DIGSSCORE Working paper 2017:4.

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth, and John Martin Roaldset (2014). Norwegian Citizen Panel Report 1 Holdninger til prioritering i helsesektoren: Resultater fra Norsk medborgerpanel. Bergen: The Norwegian Citizen Panel, University of Bergen.

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth (2014). “Unlikely New Kid on the Western European Radical Right Bloc”. Invited contribution to the Comparative Politics section newsletter of the American Political Science Association.

Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth (2014). “Who is the Populist Right? A View from Norway” ed. Dan Keleman. Invited contribution to the European Politics section newsletter of the American Political Science Association : 12-14.

Datasets and codebooks

Ivarsflaten, E., Nordø, Å., Dahlberg, S., Storelv, S., Løvseth, E., Bjånesøy, L., Broderstad, T. S., Bye, H., Böhm, G., Eidheim, M., Gregersen, T., Knudsen, E.,  Schakel, A., & Tvinnereim, E. (2024) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 30 (June-July 2024).

Muriaas, R., Christensen, D.A., Stein, J., Thesen, G., Løvseth, E., Ivarsflaten, E., Fimreite, A.L., Stavenes, T. (2024). Norwegian Panel of Elected Representatives, wave 10 (February - April 2024).

Ivarsflaten, E., Dahlberg, S., Storelv, S., Løvseth, E., Bjånesøy, L., Broderstad, T. S., Bye, H., Böhm, G., Eidheim, M., Gregersen, T., Knudsen, E., Nordø, Å., Schakel, A., & Tvinnereim, E. (2024) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 29 (Januar-February 2024).

Ivarsflaten, E., Dahlberg, S., Storelv, S., Løvseth, E., Auerbach, K., Bjånesøy, L., Broderstad, T. S., Bye, H., Böhm, G., Gregersen, T., Knudsen, E., Nordø, Å., Schakel, A., & Tvinnereim, E. (2023) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 28 (October - November 2023).

Ivarsflaten, E., Dahlberg, S., Storelv, S., Løvseth, E., Bjånesøy, L., Bye, H., Böhm, G., Gregersen, T., Knudsen, E., Nordø, Å., Schakel, A., & Tvinnereim, E. (2023) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 27 (June 2023).

Ivarsflaten, E., Bach, T., Fimreite, A., Finseraas, H., Stein, J., Løvseth, E., Storelv, S., & Vestre, V. (2023) Norwegian Panel of Public Administrators, wave 3 (February - March 2023).

Ivarsflaten, E., Dahlberg, S., Storelv, S., Løvseth, E., Bjånesøy, L., Bye, H., Böhm, G., Fimreite, A., Gregersen, T., Knudsen, E., Nordø, Å., Schakel, A., & Tvinnereim, E. (2023) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 26 (February - March 2023).

Ivarsflaten, E., Bach, T., Fimreite, A., Finseraas, H., Stein, J., Løvseth, E., Storelv, S., & Vestre, V. (2023) Norwegian Panel of Elected Representatives, wave 9 (February - March 2023).

Ivarsflaten, E., Dahlberg, S., Storelv, S., Løvseth, E., Bjånesøy, L., Bye, H., Böhm, G., Fimreite, A., Gregersen, T., Knudsen, E., Nordø, Å., Schakel, A., & Tvinnereim, E. (2022) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 25 (October - November 2022).

Ivarsflaten, E., Dahlberg, S., Løvseth, E., Dahl, S., Bye, H., Bjånesøy, L., Gregersen, T., Böhm, G., Elgesem, D., Schakel, A., Fimreite, A., Nordø, Å. & Knudsen, E. (2022) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 24 (May - June 2022).

Ivarsflaten, E., Dahlberg, S., Blom, A., Løvseth, E., Dahl, S., Bye, H., Bjånesøy, L., Gregersen, T., Böhm, G., Elgesem, D., Schakel, A., Fimreite, A., Nordø, Å. & Knudsen, E. (2022) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 23 (January 2022).

Ivarsflaten, E., Dahlberg, S., Løvseth, E., Bye, H., Bjånesøy, L., Böhm, G., Fimreite, A., Schakel, A., Gregersen, T., Elgesem, D., Nordø, Å., Peters, Y., Dahl, S., Faleide, I. (2021) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 22 (November 2021).

Ivarsflaten, E., Dahlberg, S., Løvseth, E., Bye, H., Bjånesøy, L., Böhm, G., Fimreite, A., Schakel, A., Gregersen, T., Elgesem, D., Nordø, Å., Peters, Y., Dahl, S., Faleide, I. (2021) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 21 (May - June 2021).

Ivarsflaten, E., Dahlberg, S., Løvseth, E., Böhm, G., Bye, H., Bjånesøy, L., Fimreite, A., Schakel, A., Gregersen, T., Elgesem, D., Nordø, Å., Peters, Y., Sætrevik, B., Dahl, S., Faleide, I. (2021) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 20 (January - March 2021).

Ivarsflaten, E., Fimreite, A., Karlsen, R., Nordø, Å., Bergh, J., Trondal, J., Peters, Y., Knudsen, E., Bach, T., Aars, J., Løvseth, E., Faleide, I., & Dahl, S. (2021) Norwegian Panel of Public Administrators, wave 1 (November 2020 - April 2021).

Ivarsflaten, E., Fimreite, A., Karlsen, R., Nordø, Å., Bergh, J., Trondal, J., Peters, Y., Knudsen, E., Bach, T., Aars, J., Løvseth, E., Faleide, I., & Dahl, S. (2020) Norwegian Panel of Elected Representatives, wave 4 (November 2020)

Ivarsflaten, E., Dahlberg, S., Løvseth, E., Bye, H., Bjånesøy, L., Böhm, G., Doran, R., Elgesem, D., Gregersen, T., Fimreite, A., Schakel, A., Nordø, Å., Peters, Y., Sætrevik, B., Karlsen, R., Bergh, J., Trondal, J., Bach, T., Faleide, I., & Dahl, S. (2021) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 19 (November 2020)

Ivarsflaten, E., Sætrevik, B., & Løvseth, E. (2020) Norwegian Citizen Panel, Covid-19 Fast track 2 (August–September 2020)

Ivarsflaten, E., Eidheim, M., & Løvseth, E. (2020) Norwegian Citizen Panel, Covid-19 Fast track 1 (March 2020)

Ivarsflaten, E., Arnesen, S., Dahlberg, S., Løvseth, E., Eidheim, M., Peters, Y., Knudsen, E., Tvinnereim, E., Böhm, G., Bye, H., Bjånesøy, L., Fimreite, A., Schakel, A., Gregersen (2020) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 18 (June 2020)

Ivarsflaten, E., Arnesen, S., Dahlberg, S., Løvseth, E., Eidheim, M., Peters, Y., Knudsen, E., Tvinnereim, Böhm, G., Høivik, Hege, Bjånesøy, L., Fimreite, A., Schakel, A., & Gregersen, T. (2020) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 17 (January–February 2020)

Ivarsflaten, E., Arnesen, S., Løvseth, E., Bjånesøy, L., Bygnes, S., Böhm, G., Bærøe, K., Cappelen, C., Dahlberg, S., Fimreite, A., Gregersen, T., Knudsen, E., Peters, Y., Schakel, A., & Tvinnereim, E. (2019) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 16 (October–November 2019)

Ivarsflaten, E., Dahlberg, S., Løvseth, E., Arnesen, S., Bygnes, S., Tvinnereim, E., Serdarevic, N., Bjånesøy, L., Knudsen, E., Böhm, G., Gregersen, T., Schakel, A., Fimreite, A., & Bærøe, K. (2019) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 15 (May–June 2019)

Ivarsflaten, E., Dahlberg, S., Løvseth, E., Arnesen, S., Høivik, H., Tvinnereim, E., Peters, Y., Bjånesøy, L., Knudsen, E., & Böhm, G. (2019) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 14 (January–February 2019)

Ivarsflaten, E., Dahlberg, S., Løvseth, E., Arnesen, S. Bygnes, S., Tvinnereim, E., Peters, Y., Bjånesøy, L., Knudsen, E., Böhm, G., & Gregersen, T (2018) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 13 (October–November 2018)

Ivarsflaten, E., Dahlberg, S., Løvseth, Arnesen, S., Peters, Y., Knudsen, E., Bjånesøy, L., Bygnes, S., Tvinnereim E., Böhm, G., Bærøe, K., Cappelen, C., & Eidheim, M. (2018) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 12 (June 2018)

Ivarsflaten, E., Dahlberg, S., Løvseth, E., Arnesen, S., Peters, Y., Knudsen, E., Bjånesøy, L., Bygnes, S., Tvinnereim, E., Böhm, G., Bærøe, K., Cappelen C., & Eidheim, M. (2018) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 11 (March 2018)

Ivarsflaten, E., Arnesen, S., Tvinnereim, E., Bærøe, K., Eimhjellen, I., Løvseth, E., & Eidheim, M. (2017) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 10 (October - November 2017)

Ivarsflaten, E., Arnesen, S., Tvinnereim, E., Bærøe, K., Eimhjellen, I., Løvseth, E., & Eidheim, M. (2017) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 9 (May–June 2017)

Ivarsflaten, E., Arnesen, S., Folkestad, B., Tvinnereim, E., Nordø, Å., Johannesson, M., Knudsen, E., & Serdarevic, N. (2017) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 8 (March–April 2017)

Ivarsflaten, E., Arnesen, S., Folkestad, B., Tvinnereim, E., Nordø, Å., Johannesson, M., Knudsen, E., & Serdarevic, N. (2016) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 7 (November–December 2016)

Ivarsflaten, E., Andersson, M., Arnesen, S., Bjånesøy, L., Nordø, Å., Tvinnereim, E., & Knudsen, E. (2016) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 6 (March 2016)

Ivarsflaten, E., Andersson, M., Arnesen, S., Bjånesøy, L., Nordø, Å., & Tvinnereim, E. (2015) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 5 (October–November 2015) 

Ivarsflaten, E., Arnesen, S., Böhm, G., Elgesem, D., Gåsdal, O., Strømsnes, K., Tvinnereim, E., & Aars, J. (2015) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 4 (March–April 2015)

Ivarsflaten, E., Andersson, M., Arnesen, S., Böhm, G., Elgesem, D., Gåsdal, O., Strømsnes, K., Tvinnereim, E., & Aars, J. (2014) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 3 (October–November 2014)

Ivarsflaten, E., Andersson, M., Arnesen, S., Böhm, G., Elgesem, D., Gåsdal, O., Strømsnes, K., Tvinnereim, E., & Aars, J. (2014) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 2 (March 2014)

Ivarsflaten, E., Andersson, M., Arnesen, S., Böhm, G., Elgesem, D., Gåsdal, O., Strømsnes, K., Tvinnereim, E., & Aars, J. (2014) Norwegian Citizen Panel, wave 1 (November 2013–January 2014)

Elisabeth Ivarsflaten
Department of Government

Digital Social Science Core Facility
University of Bergen
Rosenbersgate 35, 5015 Bergen

phone: +47 55 58 24 60
mobile: +47 45 67 16 63
post: Postboks 7802, 5020 Bergen